Monday, October 14, 2013

13 Year Old Girls and Pintrest!! What?!

So I've been hitting the books...HARD...for the first time since finishing my undergrad 14 years ago. I just started a fast paced graduate program in Social Work that meets every Saturday for the next 4 years.  It's been rough but I'm doing ok so far.  My first class is especially accelerated because it's only 8 weeks so in 5 weeks I've already written a paper and had a midterm yesterday which also corresponded with my only child's 13th birthday.  So, after a test and another 4 hours of class, I went home to clean the house, threw the child a skating party then had a house full of teens for a sleep over.

Ugh...I'm glad that's over.  So proud of my sweet baby girl who is becoming an amazing young woman though.

Needless to say, I have not at all been active in creating, promoting or selling any jewelry...what so ever.  I even missed promoting the RAW Artist of the Year voting which happened earlier this month.

I'm hoping to get some things going before the holidays though.  I've been using a mini-mall on Pintrest to post some of my items and do a little searching for my own shopping needs.  Never used Pintrest to shop before but I'm really liking this board.