So here I am with yet another first. I added a profile onto the RAW Artists website and expected it to sit and die there. Less than a month later I was asked to participate in Madison's biggest showcase yet.

Check out the website and you will see why I might be a tad bit scared out of my mind. First of all there are REAL artists attending, people who have been performing and creating art their entire lives. I feel like a total amateur.
It is a HUGE opportunity though and I am thrilled. Part of the event is to have professional photography of my display and products as well as a video interview at the event. All for me to keep for future promotion. From what I've heard it is also a great place to network and make connections in the local art scene.
I am a little worried about the whole "cocktail attire" thing. I work at a homeless shelter and wear jeans to work. I've never worn a cocktail dress in my life! Hopefully I can find something nice at a thrift store. But again, the excitement outweighs the scary stuff. I may be a tad neurotic and full of self doubt at times but I'm sure I will do just fine and will probably have a lot of fun. I hope I will be in a good spot to watch the music and fashion shows.
If you are in the Madison WI area and would like to attend please chose "AlyxAndrea Design" as the artist you would like to support when purchasing your ticket. A mere $10 gets you 5 hours of entertainment and visual art displays. There are a total of 30 artists being featured at the event so there is sure to be something for everyone.
Check back to see the dress I find and the jewelry I design to go with it.
If you are in the Madison WI area and would like to attend please chose "AlyxAndrea Design" as the artist you would like to support when purchasing your ticket. A mere $10 gets you 5 hours of entertainment and visual art displays. There are a total of 30 artists being featured at the event so there is sure to be something for everyone.
Check back to see the dress I find and the jewelry I design to go with it.